Welcome to 3 Squares Cottage

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Sisters, Sisters ... There Were Never More Devoted Sisters.

My sister, Debbie Benitez, and I are close.  If she buys a new pair of jeans, I either just bought them or am going from store to store looking for them.  If she is on an exercise kick, I am at the gym signing up for a membership.  If I just got new glasses, she is sending me a selfie of her wearing new glasses.  We don’t need to communicate about it—it’s just how it is.  Two souls separated only by a hair’s breadth and a few years.  She is determined, works harder than anyone I know, and goes for what she wants.  As the saying goes, “She is the dancer; I am the watcher”.  I have always wanted to be just like her in every way.  We are both entrepreneurial in nature, and our husbands agree we are “fiercely independent”.  We love our grandchildren, old things, red wine, great food, gardening, decorating, music (She taught me to love the Beatles before I was 5.) and spending time together. Some sisters take this for granted, but fate and our father’s death dictated Debbie and I would live thousand miles or more apart most of our lives.  

Family Dreams

A few years ago, destiny smiled upon us, and Debbie moved, here, to Utah.  After all, our mother, stepfather, daughter, granddaughter, and sister (yours truly) all live here, and the time was finally right. After all those miles and years apart, we finally live just a few minutes away.  I still can hardly believe it.  My heart is whole.  We have dreamed of someday opening a business together called Antique Garden Café.  We would specialize in selling antiques, specifically vintage garden ornaments, and serving lunch.  (Have you ever been to Little Traveler in Geneva, Illinois?  The café would be our brand of that idea.) My husband, Jack Wilbur, and stepdad, Ralph Larsen, are farmers and we own the produce company, 3 Squares Produce Farm, which would produce much of the food on our menu—farm to table, all within the family. 

Our Businesses

Over the past year, it has been serendipitous that we have each taken steps in directions to keep our dream alive.  My husband and I opened the top floor of our home as and Airbnb, 3 Squares Cottage. Debbie and her husband, Jeff, partnered with long time local antiques dealer, Doug Garner, and launched Garner Antiques at 37 and 67 North Main Street in Bountiful into a new era.  They have a beautiful selection of furniture, glassware, and collectibles and it’s definitely worth the trip!

3 Squares Cottage features a frequently refreshed inventory of many lovely pieces from Garner Antiques.  Many are for sale right off the shelves or the walls of our cottage—a benefit to our guests and to friends invited to the three or so events held here each year; a Spring Tea in May, Munch’n’Carvin- a celebration of the harvest in October, and a Holiday Open House, Tour, Show, and Sale in December.  I hope you are already following @3squarescottage on Instagram, have liked us on Facebook and read our blog at 3squarescottage.com.  We would love for you to book a stay at the cottage or attend one of our events and share in the love and dreams of sisters.  If you have a sister, you probably already know what fun we have, and if not, please join us in the sisterhood of friendship.  Laughter, magic and great times await…